Sunday, July 13, 2008
The man whose eyes that watched me grow up, shared the same birthday as me, brought me to see Barbie dolls in Toysrus, carried me in his strong arms till I was as old as 10, fetched me to and fro from school everyday, buy me ice-cream each time we went shopping, told bedtime stories to me and tucked me in my favourite blanket, fend me from my mother's cruel cane, use his hankerchief to dab my eyes when my best friend passed away, those eyes have stopped glistening. I am so scared. I knew the day would come when my parents grow old and feel the pain from Adam's mistake in the garden. Daddy is no longer young and strong. He is vulnerable and weak too, from time and age. And he needs me more than ever. What would Sunshine do without him? I don't want that day to come, when Daddy can no longer see me, see me graduate from school, watch my husband put on the ring on my finger, carry and name my first born child. I am so frightened inside. But Daddy must be more afraid. I do not dare to cry in front of Daddy, I do not dare to look into his eyes and see the fear within, Daddy. Daddy. I will be here for you, your little girl will be your eyes when the light is too bright for you.
it's Sunday, July 13, 2008 now