somehow, i don't talk as much anymore. i am not a fan of sms-ing on my lousy SE W610i, but seems like i have no other way or be a complete social alien.
perhaps i'm sick of letting people know the same old story, perhaps i lost a great deal of confidence in whatever i do, perhaps i have really changed a little within.
i don't organize my to-do list anymore. i don't do my work promptly. my work desk is in a mess of eraser dust, highlighters, post-it notes, files, notes, rough paper, and more notes.
while i feel like im burning out, i turn to red bull. when red bull starts tasting like spoiled cough syrup, i put on my ankle socks and wear my mother's badminton shoes (none of us own proper running shoes). i run a few miserly rounds in the neighbourhood park before doing 100 skipping sets. twists and turns, left to right, right to left, must be done whenever i am free. and 50 sets of thigh flexing before i head to bed.
if not for these, i wouldn't be able to stay up till 3am to do my work. amazing. i hated exercise. yeah i might look a little odd now, but i think i'll look fat again when the holiday comes. i feel like eating a nice buffet on my birthday!
i am dating my sims 2 nightlife at least twice a day.
i am building up a plot for an elderly gothic old witch to be bitten by a vampire (can be accomplished by a cheat but that's too boring). i am building up a korean superstar's career to reach the peak of his career at the young age of 22 sim days old. in the midst of all these, a lot of woo hooing is a must or there will not be enough friends to meet career advancement criteria.
you can woo hoo everywhere, in the photo booth, hot tub, car, bed. i just wanna keep my sims happy.
oops project meeting at 9.30am tomorrow and it's 3.20am now. bu-bye and i'll see ya on PET SOCIETY!